379 Commits (trunk)

Author SHA1 Message Date
Dan Croak e8102c91c6 Use Homebrew for `hub` on OS X
The previous method places the `hub` command in ~/bin/hub, which shows
up in the dotfiles repo for thoughtbot/dotfiles users. We could
gitignore the `bin/hub` gem there, but the hub README recommends using
Homebrew or a package manager when it is available.

This leaves the Linux version functionally the same.
10 years ago
patrick brisbin 5765e1ec8b Replace all uses of echo with printf
The echo builtin is very unportable and should be avoided. More
information can be found here:

10 years ago
Dan Croak 155c357556 Install Suspenders instead of Rails
We more typically create Rails apps using Suspenders. Rails is a
dependency of Suspenders, so it will still be installed.
10 years ago
Dan Croak c6a4aec02c Update Homebrew even if already installed 10 years ago
Dan Collis-Puro 7c9eacbb75 Linux: Add sqlite3-dev and sqlite3 cli 10 years ago
Dan Collis-Puro 2960dbe0c5 Linux: Add nodejs for rails asset pipeline rendering 10 years ago
Adam Conrad f02a67295c Update mac file to tap from thoughtbot/formulae
In reference to [this pull](https://github.com/thoughtbot/dotfiles/pull/222)
10 years ago
arnaudbouffard 8379861ff2 change thoughtbot/rcm to thoughtbot/formulae
Started reading the thoughtbot playbook last week, which led me to laptop. Calling mac from Terminal went fine untill the last installation which yielded "ERROR: no available formula for rcm". Googling the error message brought me to Matthew Sumner's commit # 2915cf1f696777a7438d0bbf92f688f32e1e8264 in the dotfile repo. Applying the same modif to the laptop mac shell script got rid of the error message. If you accept my pull-in request, that'd be my first ofishal contribution to the open source world.
10 years ago
patrick brisbin 5d749c0aed Remove linux-prereq script by switching to Bash
Required changes:

* Change #!
* Move pre-req actions directly into linux
* Switch uses of $+command for which (zsh-ism)
* Don't source ~/.zshrc to pickup new exports
* Add setting of zsh as $SHELL
* Update README

Ancillary changes:

* Switch [ with [[ (best practice)
* Switch if-newline-then with if; then (style)
* Use $( ) and $(( )) (best practice)
* Switch wget with curl (consistency)
10 years ago
Jan Suchal 499c8161d2 Install gems after configuring bundler for parallel installation. 10 years ago
Matthew Sumner bc04d0e92b Use correct thoughtbot/homebrew-formulae repo 10 years ago
Adarsh Pandit 59fe5b52bc Update license to 2014 10 years ago
Dan Collis-Puro f24f56527b Improve idempotency in the linux laptop script
These changes allow the laptop script to run more than once and can be
tested through ./test/runner.sh.  The only significant side effects are:

* Gems (pg, rails, unicorn) will be updated
* ruby $RUBY_VERSION will be set as the global ruby if it wasn't already
* rubygems proper will be updated to the latest release
* hub will be updated
* the heroku toolbelt will be updated.
10 years ago
patrick brisbin eeb2dc009d Remove initdb, fixes #182
The latest Homebrew formula runs this as part of post-install.
10 years ago
Dan Croak aae0a21416 Upgrade Ruby to 2.1.0 10 years ago
Chip Castle f899ebf2e1 Add command for accepting XCode agreement on Mavericks 10 years ago
Marc Delagrammatikas 2234ae6539 Change Homebrew install path
Looks like it's hosted in a different repository now.
10 years ago
Mike Burns 0d45f0be9e
Use thoughtbot/rcm for Homebrew
Back when rcm was an experiment by Mike Burns, the `homebrew-rcm` GitHub
repo was hosted under the `mike-burns` account. It has since been moved
to `thoughtbot` so that more may share in the love.
10 years ago
Mike Burns 8bae2b0b1a Add rcm
The rcm suite of tools are used to manage dotfiles. They can symlink
dotfiles from a repo into your homedir, turn an existing configuration
file into a symlinked dotfile, and in general make it easy to try new
dotfile repos.
11 years ago
patrick brisbin 8a8c7a7afd Fix homebrew conditional 11 years ago
Dan Croak 8b21a94990 Configure Bundler for parallel gem installs
* Set it globally for OS X.
* Determine number of cores dynamically.
* Pick one number less than number of cores to avoid deadlock errors.
* Only install `--pre` for Bundler.
* Remove `pg` and `unicorn` gems as they will be installed during `bundle`
  for a Rails project.
11 years ago
Geoff Harcourt 3c544b9a4a Use Ruby 2.0.0.p353 as default
Resolves reported vulnerability in p247.

11 years ago
Dan Croak 098e418830 Use updated Qt formula for Homebrew
The `--HEAD` flag is no longer necessary:

11 years ago
Dayne Broderson fbb2e9f5e5 Make Homebrew install idempotent 11 years ago
Dayne Broderson 41a057f5a5 rejiggered homebrew for #156 11 years ago
Esteban Arango Medina 91d91fafcb Change brew url. 11 years ago
Paul Smith & Trace Wax 4e525c8a99 Fix QT on Mavericks 11 years ago
Gabe Berke-Williams c9dfc35fc5 Add C compiler installation instructions for 10.9
Reformat C compiler instructions for various OS X versions so people can scan by
their version of OS X.
11 years ago
Dan Collis-Puro 07fa54d5b6 Update README.md about Ubuntu 13.10 support 11 years ago
Dan Collis-Puro 370499adb0 Add libreadline-dev to linux install
Without libreadline-dev installed, IRB and the rails console won't
function properly.
11 years ago
Derek Prior 01ee2241c7 Do not rehash on rbenv initialization
We install rbenv-gem-rehash, which will automatically rehash when you
install new binaries, so I can't conceive of why this is necessary. I've been
using --no-rehash for months now without issue, and there's a noticeable speed
up in shell initialization.
11 years ago
Dan Collis-Puro bede758bd4 Support Ubuntu 13.10 11 years ago
patrick brisbin 279168a695 Add documentation around testing 11 years ago
patrick brisbin d2f4f5e489 Add initial laptop test using precise 11 years ago
patrick brisbin 28fac6848e Remove dist-upgrade from linux scripts 11 years ago
Tyler Cipriani 4cce175633 Change echo to printf in common-components 11 years ago
Tyler Cipriani c56f081af0 Ensure .bin directory exists in $HOME and in $PATH 11 years ago
patrick brisbin 682323baa3 Regenerate compiled scripts 11 years ago
patrick brisbin 802a5ecbfd Use set -e and trap rather than "successfully"
Behavior should be identical. set -e will cause any failing command to
exit and the trap will output "failed" on stderr, like successfully used
11 years ago
patrick brisbin de521882ab Regenerate compiled scripts 11 years ago
patrick brisbin a5f3ff1962 Make bin/build more idiomatic
* `printf` is more portable and consistent than `echo`
* $( ) is allowed and preferred
* Always quote all variables
* Useless use of `cat`
* Remove uneeded permissions setting
11 years ago
patrick brisbin 3bf8ea0454 Fix invalid conditional 11 years ago
Dan Collis-Puro 91d1f9affc Componentize laptop
Refactor laptop to componentize the creation of the `linux`, 'mac` and
`linux-prerequisites` laptop files, which will allow us to share similar
tasks and configurations.  IMPORTANT: `/bin/build.sh` must be run before each
commit to re-render the laptop files. See `CONTRIBUTING.md` for details.
11 years ago
Dan Croak f72b527d35 Install vim from Homebrew
Using the latest vim gets us snytax highlighting and other things that
could otherwise be different from system vim.

For example:

989a49d2f0 (commitcomment-3740718)
11 years ago
Dan Croak 407271336e Load Ruby 2 `gem` command before installing gems
Fixes these issues:

11 years ago
Dan Croak b5ca8a303a Fix OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError
Some users see SSL certificate errors when making API requests from
Ruby. For example:

    SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3
    read server certificate B: certificate verify failed

11 years ago
Dan Croak e829c75c47 Remove duplicate Foreman install
Heroku Toolbelt includes Foreman. Installing the gem in addition to
Toolbelt may cause future problems. For example, the Toolbelt is
auto-updating and the gem isn't. So, we might run into weird problems
with an out-of-sync foreman vs Heroku command-line tool.

Thanks, @jonmountjoy.
11 years ago
Daniel Collis-Puro f6c9085c8e Merge pull request #115 from IanChiles/master
check for curl when installing on linux
11 years ago
Ian Chiles 464222f43d check for curl in prereqs
Fixes a problem installing hub using curl
11 years ago
Geoff Harcourt 87b6367d55 Remove .zshrc stub creation
Laptop currently generates a .zshrc file if one does not already exist.
However, this file is created with the # DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE
comment that does not fit with the new thoughtbot/dotfiles convention
of storing changes in .local files instead of above the placeholder
comment. If a user attempts to run laptop and then install dotfiles,
the dotfiles installation will not install .zshrc because of the
existing stub.

This change removes the creation of the .zshrc stub for both mac and
linux scripts.
11 years ago