Template to get rails apps started
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Matt Brictson 0064fd4923
Move command line tools out of :test Gemfile group
2 years ago
.circleci Upgrade template to support Rails 7 (#30) 2 years ago
app Simplify sidekiq installation, leverage ActiveJob (#32) 2 years ago
bin Upgrade template to support Rails 7 (#30) 2 years ago
circleci Upgrade template to support Rails 7 (#30) 2 years ago
config Simplify sidekiq installation, leverage ActiveJob (#32) 2 years ago
lib Auto launch web browser when starting puma 4 years ago
test Simplify sidekiq installation, leverage ActiveJob (#32) 2 years ago
Gemfile.tt Move command line tools out of :test Gemfile group 2 years ago
LICENSE Happy New Year! 🥳 2 years ago
Procfile Add a reasonable default Procfile 6 years ago
README.md Add optional support for Vite (#31) 2 years ago
README.md.tt Add optional support for Vite (#31) 2 years ago
Rakefile.rb Upgrade template to support Rails 7 (#30) 2 years ago
config.ru.rb Improve Docker support by changing HOSTNAME var (#22) 5 years ago
editorconfig Makefile requires tabs, not spaces 4 years ago
eslintrc.js Upgrade template to support Rails 7 (#30) 2 years ago
example.env.tt SECRET_KEY_BASE is not needed in dev or test 4 years ago
overcommit.yml Upgrade template to support Rails 7 (#30) 2 years ago
package.json Upgrade template to support Rails 7 (#30) 2 years ago
prettierrc.js Format with latest Prettier 4 years ago
rubocop.yml.tt Add optional support for Vite (#31) 2 years ago
ruby-version.tt Initial public commit 9 years ago
stylelintrc.js Disable problematic stylelint rule 3 years ago
template.rb Simplify sidekiq installation, leverage ActiveJob (#32) 2 years ago





This is the application template that I recommend for Rails 7 projects. I've assembled this template over the years to include best-practices, tweaks, documentation, and personal preferences, while still generally adhering to the "Rails way".

For older versions of Rails, use these branches:


This template currently works with:

  • Rails 7.0.x
  • Bundler 2.x
  • PostgreSQL

If you need help setting up a Ruby development environment, check out my Rails OS X Setup Guide.



To make this the default Rails application template on your system, create a ~/.railsrc file with these contents:

-d postgresql
-m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mattbrictson/rails-template/main/template.rb


This template assumes you will store your project in a remote git repository (e.g. GitHub) and that you will deploy to a production environment. It will prompt you for this information in order to pre-configure your app, so be ready to provide:

  1. The git URL of your (freshly created and empty) GitHub repository
  2. The hostname of your production server

To generate a Rails application using this template, pass the -m option to rails new, like this:

rails new blog \
  -d postgresql \
  -m https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mattbrictson/rails-template/main/template.rb

Remember that options must go after the name of the application. The only database supported by this template is postgresql.

If youve installed this template as your default (using ~/.railsrc as described above), then all you have to do is run:

rails new blog

What does it do?

The template will perform the following steps:

  1. Generate your application files and directories
  2. Create the development and test databases
  3. Commit everything to git
  4. Push the project to the remote git repository you specified

What is included?

Optional support for vite_rails

Add the --javascript vite option to the rails new command to get started with Vite! Vite is an easy to use alternative to Webpack(er), and much more powerful than the standard import map and css/jsbundling-rails options that are built into Rails.

  • Frontend code (JS, CSS, images) will be placed in app/frontend/
  • Run yarn start to start the development server with hot reloading
  • SCSS will be used for styles (the --css option will be ignored)

If you don't specify --javascript vite, then this template will use the standard Rails 7 behavior.

These gems are added to the standard Rails stack

  • Core
    • active_type for building simple and effective form/service objects
    • sidekiq Redis-based job queue implementation for Active Job
  • Configuration
    • dotenv for local configuration
  • Utilities
  • Security
  • Testing
    • shoulda shortcuts for common ActiveRecord tests


I like to use Postmark for transactional email, and so I've included the postmark-rails gem and configured it in environments/production.rb. Make sure to sign up for a Postmark account to get an API key, or switch to your own preferred email provider before deploying your app.

Other tweaks that patch over some Rails shortcomings

  • A much-improved bin/setup script
  • Log rotation so that development and test Rails logs dont grow out of control

How does it work?

This project works by hooking into the standard Rails application templates system, with some caveats. The entry point is the template.rb file in the root of this repository.

Normally, Rails only allows a single file to be specified as an application template (i.e. using the -m <URL> option). To work around this limitation, the first step this template performs is a git clone of the mattbrictson/rails-template repository to a local temporary directory.

This temporary directory is then added to the source_paths of the Rails generator system, allowing all of its ERb templates and files to be referenced when the application template script is evaluated.

Rails generators are very lightly documented; what youll find is that most of the heavy lifting is done by Thor. The most common methods used by this template are Thors copy_file, template, and gsub_file. You can dig into the well-organized and well-documented Thor source code to learn more.